Linear sleeve aplicators
GS 206 ( 6.00 pcs/hour), GS 301 ( 12.000 pcs/hour) and GS 401 ( 18.000 pcs/hour)
The models are a compact machines, for companies that need a low/medium production speed. It ‘a linear machines, fitted with spiral screw for products transport, a sleeve loading reel and an application head. The machines also has some additional modules that enrich it technologically, such as a double sleeve reel storage that allows to have no downtime during the change of the reel. Important features of these models are its reliability and simplicity in the format change.
GS 321 ( pcs/hour), GS 421 ( 18.000 pcs/hour), GS 422 ( 28.000 pcs/hour) and GS 423 ( 36.000 pcs/hour)
The models are a compact machines, for companies that need a medium production speed. It’s a linear machines, fitted with double spiral screw for products transport and an application head. The machines also has a movable double sleeve reel storage which allows replacement of the reel without downtime. Important feature of these machines lies in its application head which has the ability to move in the 4 axis and being also rotatable, manages to position an oriented sleeve in the shaped products. By having a double spiral screw transport products, these models also performs the sleeve application on various types of promotional combination products. Reliability and simplicity in the format change, complete the high technology of these machines.
GS 412 ( 28.000 pcs/hour) and GS 413 ( 36.000 pcs/hour)
The models are a compact machines, for companies that need an high production speed. It’s a linear machines with dual sleeves application head, fitted with double spiral screw for products transport that passes through both application heads, two movable double sleeve reel storage which allows replacement of the reel without downtime. The machines also has some additional modules that enrich it technologically, such as the vertical / horizontal sleeve perforation device, allowing an easy opening of the sleeve on the cap. These models are dedicated to total sleeve applications or partial fitting at the bottom of the product.