Gross packer
The so-called “Gross packer” are the packer that fill the product into the bag and at simultaneously weight it, till the bag reached the target weight. Technipes it is one of the few companies manufacturing the complete range of packers in order to give the specific and most suitable solution for every product to bag.
Our packers range includes:
-screw packer (auger)
This versatile system is ideal for products with dusty or floury characteristics, yet is also well suited to granular or pelletized products.
-air packer (pneumatic)
Is designed for use with non free flowing products in either powder or granular form. Product is fed into and contained in the machine’s cylindrical hopper, which is pressurized with an air compressor (blower) through a filtration system.
-impeller packer (turbine)
Motorized rotation of the impeller moves product from the integrated loading hopper through the filling spout into the valve bag.
-gravity packer
This system is ideal for products granular or pelletized in nature, with free flowing characteristics, and when only moderate production is required as bagging speed is limited to 120 bags/hour.
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